Important info for crypto license holders and new applicants!
As you have most probably heard, new rulings will come into force as of 03.2020, concerning to crypto regulations in Estonia. If to sum it up for current license holders- there are some changes, need to be applied and reported to FIU. Key word in all these changes- proactiveness. For new applications- all is about […]

Ministry of Economic Affairs: Restrictions to remain in place on loan ads
Planned amendments to the Advertising Act will provide customers with more information about the conditions of quick loans, but current advertising restrictions will still continue to apply, thus preventing ads from being made attractive, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications. Legislation currently in force limits the advertising of information regarding loans, leases and installment […]

“Uue kliendi kampaania” kampaania tingimused: Kampaania periood 15.05.2017-31.12.2017 Osalejad: aastal 2017 registreeritud ettevõted (esmane kanne Äriregistris tehtud aasta 2017 jooksul). Allahindlus- Esimese digitaalse majandusaasta aruande koostamisele ja esitamisele ettevõtjaportaali kaudu (https://ettevotjaportaal.rik.ee):3.1 mikroettevõtte – 100%3.2 väikeettevõtte – 50%3.3 keskmise suurusega ja suurettevõtte – 25% Ettevõtete liigitus suuruse järgi: 2016 aastal jõustunud raamatupidamise seadus määratleb ettevõtete liigid […]